4 Common Use Cases For Hybrid Cloud Solutions

Posted on: 21 December 2022

Hybrid cloud solutions are often advertised as cure-alls for numerous IT issues. While they can't address every task, they often work well in situations where specific limits appear in terms of resources, access, or compliance. These four use cases are solid examples of how you can get the most from a hybrid cloud setup.

Demand Bursting

Many companies employ on-premises servers to handle day-to-day needs for web and app hosting, data streaming, API support, and e-commerce. Periods of high demand, though, can wreck these setups.

For example, an e-commerce website might get hammered during a limited holiday period. How do you provide high availability without massively expanding your footprint? Demand bursting allows companies to set up cloud computing resources to deal with relatively trivial tasks. The e-commerce website might offload page and image caching to the cloud while keeping transactional components like shopping carts, user data, and credit cards on bare-metal servers. Whenever demand peaks, the website can lean on the cached elements to handle most of the load.

Legacy-Cloud Combinations

Organizations often have legacy tools that don't necessarily work well in modern technological ecosystems. However, they still need these tools even while they modernize everything else. One solution is to move the modern components onto the cloud while keeping the legacy tools on-site. Cloud solutions can provide compatibility and security layers to send requests to legacy systems. Users get the benefits of the legacy tools without sacrificing accessibility, modern interfaces, or up-to-date security features.


Companies often deploy IoT devices in setups that are far from ideal. A warehousing company might have scanning systems across 20 locations throughout the U.S., for example. The business wants all the information centralized for tracking, though. The IoT devices can connect to the cloud, and then the cloud resources can connect to the company's main databases. Effectively, the company gets the benefits of distributing potentially thousands of scanning systems while also centralizing its data.

Compliance within Multinational Deployments

With the advent of compliance regimes like HIPAA and GDPR, compliance in a multinational environment is increasingly tough. That doesn't even factor in more difficult rules, such as export-import laws that may prevent companies from using certain forms of software in specific nations. Using hybrid cloud solutions, firms can provide availability based on specific compliance standards. If a business can't send certain types of processors to its locations in China, for example, it might still be able to deploy them in US and EU locations. The cloud helps to segregate resources to keep the company in compliance.

To learn more about hybrid cloud solutions, reach out to a service provider.
